About this project

This page was created to help game designers and 3D designers to find graphical reference for their sci-fi themed projects. It can be also usefull for most of the Sci-Fi fanatics like myself, who are looking for science fiction movies to watch in the evening or titles they somehow have missed. Links will lead you to IMDB pages, where you can find out more. Please note that this page is still a work in progress, some features may not be available at the moment or work incorrectly.

You can reach me on Twitter. Your help is needed in finding errors in website functions and mistakes in title's descriptions and theme sorting. I'll also appretiate if You can pinpoint sci-fi gems that are not in a current database. Sorry for my English, it's not my native language.

Database Status

Current project targets and completion rate. The more data - the better for the research. Accurate data will also influence correct suggestions. The target is to have full data for no less than 90% of titles. Database is being constantly updated, new titles are beign added - all this can influence percentage of completion.



Average Rate






















Update Plans

There are plans for adding new features, charts and statistics for this project. Unfortunately, those are limited to my current knowledge of php/sql/html and my free time. Please be patient. Here you can see what I have in mind for the nearest future.

  • >>> Add "Nuclear War" theme to divide PostApoc a bit more.
  • >>> Create background images with MindJourney for all themes, genres and franchises.
  • >>> Add Amazon Prime links where it is possible so visitors can watch movies they like on Amazon.
  • >>> Add info on Authors where it is possible.
  • >>> Add new titles when discovered.
  • >>> Add "Sci-Fi Faces" page with popular actors.
  • >>> Add "Random Title" feature.
  • >>> Search page with ability to find and show titles by their names.
  • >>> "Panda" updates - image optimization updates to make website more efficient.
  • >>> Code optimization to minimize SQL and server time usage.
  • >>> Creating a user profile with personal statistics on titles and more accurate suggestions.
  • >>> Create "Likes" and "To Watch" mechanics.
  • >>> Create instruments for target audience predictions.

Projest History

The Project started in a spring of 2019.

In my free time, I enjoy programming and making games. A few years ago, one of my game projects came to the pitch stage when I needed to create a small presentation for potential investors and partners. In such presentations, in addition to the basic information, it is highly desirable to show parts of the visual design of the game. To get the necessary pictures, I turned to several concept artists and faced the problem that young professionals do not know the classics of science fiction, and many famous films and franchises mean practically nothing to them. At that moment, I realized that I needed some tool that would help me quickly find references on various sci-fi topics and convey information in a way that people can understand.

The database project started with a simple Excel file with a list of movies. But it lacked posters and additional information. It was also very inconvenient to send a file by mail every time and control its updating. The solution was to create data pages on the web. So I moved on to building my first movie listing website. The idea immediately arose to make it in the form of shelves with DVD boxes and cassettes, which could previously be seen in stores and video rentals. I remember that one could wander around these shelves with interest for hours. This is how the current site design was born. The first HTML page was visually very similar to what you see now, but it lacked many of the features I needed. The second stage was the transfer of all data to the sql database and the processing of the site for php technology. All this was done manually, since I am not a very good programmer. I had to figure everything out from scratch, but the result was much better than the previous version. It also allowed to remove many errors related to duplication of information. The next step was to add the output of additional statistics in the form of graphs and quantitative indicators. The version you see now is still a work in progress. Please be patient.


Titles are grouped and organized by their main theme and marked with the same color so you can easialy distinguish them. Read the FAQ section to understand how themes are selected.