
Various research data.

All titles by decades

The graph shows the dynamics of how often Sci-Fi titles were released by decades.

Release dates by month

The graph shows the release dates by month. Greay columns show an overall number per month. Light green colored columns show numbers for titles with 7+ IMDB rating. According to this graph, September is a most popular month for releases.

Data on Genres

This chart shows titles by Genres

IMDB Ratings

Please note, that IMDB ratings that are stored in our DB are static and are used for the research purposes. if you need a realtime rating please visit a title's page or find it on

Data on Ratings

To know more about Rating / Value system, please check our FAQ section.


Titles are grouped and organized by their main theme and marked with the same color so you can easialy distinguish them. Read the FAQ section to understand how themes are selected.