The Island of DrMoreau

Description will be available sometime in a future…

Active decades

This chart shows when "The Island of DrMoreau" franchise was active. Games are not included here.

Titles within the Franchise

There are total 4 titles from the "The Island of DrMoreau" franchise in our database.

Franchises in the same Theme

Here you can see all existing franchises within the same theme, that we have in our database.

Gold titles in the same Theme

The number of titles whithin the same theme in the "Sci-Fi Shelves" database is: 119. Here you can see titles awarded with a gold rating. To browse all titles in this Theme, please follow the link: Replicants

Reference: Games

The number of reference game titles in the "Sci-Fi Shelves" database is: 2


Titles are grouped and organized by their main theme and marked with the same color so you can easialy distinguish them. Read the FAQ section to understand how themes are selected.